Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am Oma

I had a childhood friend from Germany who lived with his 'Oma'. She was so interesting and kind and I always liked her and learned so much from her. She and her husband planted their whole L.I. fenced in yard as a European style walk around garden. It was enchanting. She made Alfred and I tea with orange slices and merengue cookies with walnuts inside. I never could manage to make them myself.

I had two loving 'Nannys' and my Mom was Nanny to my three kids, but I didn't want to be a Nanny, I wanted to be an Oma! Since my own grown up kids asked me to choose what I wanted my grand babies to call me, it was easy. I am Oma.

Anne Frank House in Amsterdam
Anne Frank
In high school I played Anne Frank in a play and I always loved her. I went to Amsterdam after my first baby was born and when wandering around with him on the back of my 'feets' (bikes are called that there!) I found my self on a side street off a canal and on the brick road was a post card, face down in the rain. (it always rains there, too). I stopped and picked it up. It was the Anne Frank House and I realized I was standing right in front of it. What a thrill and a psychic chill

When I looked up "Oma" recently, I found out it was a term used by Jewish/Germans and it suddenly opened up a new understanding of my friends German speaking grandparents. They were two of the lucky ones who made it to America before being captured by the Nazi's. It made me love that Oma, Mrs.Klien, even more.

Oma Dor and Grandpa Gary with our newest grandchild Eko
Our lives are so mysteriously filled with co-incidental spirals and sometimes these mysteries are illuminated and we learn. If Anne Frank had lived and had grandchildren she would have been Oma, too. And so, for you, Anna, I am Oma.


  1. Of all your blogs, this is my favorite (and they're all fun). I love your stories and look forward to more!!

  2. After I wrote this I turned on the TV and a movie was on. The actors were on a plane going to visit Amsterdam and the Anne Frank House was on their agenda along with a business meeting with a Mr.Harmon. Now THAT is synchronicity, and a nice one for 11-1-11.

  3. More synchronicity: Tara Osterman used to live on the same street as the Anne Frank House!!!! (she is Aunt Dear's youngest daughter)
